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A trapezium does not have to have adjacent sides equal, but might have.

In the US, trapezium just means any old four-sided shape. Outside the US, it means a shape with at least two parallel sides.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Not necessarily.

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Q: Does a trapezium have adjacent sides equal?
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Do quadrilaterals have adjacent sides equal?

The adjacent sides of very few quadrilaterals are equal. This is most common in the square and the rhombus, but does not often happen in quadrilaterals such as the kite, the delta, the rectangle or the trapezium.

Does a trapezium have adjacent sides?

All polygons have adjacent sides. Adjacent simply means "next to".

What shapes have adjacent sides are equal?

Any regular polygon, any irregular polygon with two adjacent sides equal such as an isosceles triangle, a rhombus, kite, arrowhead, a trapezium hose base is equal to one of the slanted sides.

Do trapeziums have adjacent sides?

Yes, trapeziums have adjacent sides. A trapezium is a four-sided shape, and 'adjacent' just means 'next to'. Each side of a trapezium has two sides which are next to it.All polygons have adjacent sides. Adjacent simply means "next to".

Has a trapezium got adjacent sides?


Are all the sides on a trapzium equal?

All the sides of a trapezium are not equal. Only two sides, which are not parallel, of a trapezium can be equal and such type of trapezium is called isosceles trapezium.

How many sides has an isosceles trapezium?

2(Adjacent) * * * * * You cannot have a polygon with two sides! A trapezium has four sides - whether it is isosceles or not.

What is the common perimeter of a rectangle and a trapezium?

These two plane figures do not have a common perimeter. As the opposite sides of a rectangle are of equal length then only the measurements of two adjacent sides are needed to calculate the perimeter. (Perimeter = 2A + 2B, where A and B are the lengths of adjacent sides) However, a trapezium does not necessarily have any of its sides of equal length and therefore all four sides have to be measured to determine the perimeter.

Does an isosceles trapezium have any equal sides?

does any isosceles trapezium have any equal sides?if yes,which?

Does a trapezium have any equal sides?

It can do. The non-parallel sides of an isosceles trapezium will be equal. Also, one of the non-parallel sides could be equal to one of the parallel sides.

How many equal sides has a trapezium?

A trapezium is a four sided figure with 2 sides parallel. None of its sides need to be equal in length.

Are Opposite Angles Equal On A Trapezium?

No because a Trapezium does not have straight sides so there not equal