It doesn't really have one, it is simply called "Sveriges Flagga" meaning Sweden's Flag or the Flag of Sweden.
The Swedish flag is blue, with a yellow cross on it.
Sweden's flag feels just like any other flag.
the colours of the swedish flag is blue and yellow
blue and yellow because those are the colors to the Sweden flag
Adjacent sides of the flags of all nations are perpendicular line segments.
It doesn't really have one, it is simply called "Sveriges Flagga" meaning Sweden's Flag or the Flag of Sweden.
A flag pole is perpendicular to the ground.
the colour of Sweden is yellow and blue
The Swedish flag is blue, with a yellow cross on it.
Sweden's flag feels just like any other flag.
yellow and blue
the colours of the swedish flag is blue and yellow
Yes, a flag waving on a pole is an example of a transverse wave. In transverse waves, the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation. In the case of a flag waving, the fabric moves up and down (perpendicular to the pole) as the wave travels along the flag.