

Examples of non-numerical data

Updated: 10/31/2022
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14y ago

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We'd need more of a context. In life, my name, hair color, weight, hometown, favorite band, food I ate, friends, etc., are all data, and probably don't contain too many numbers.

In computers everything is stored as a binary number. So, non-negative integers are pretty easy to store. Negative integers take just a little bit more thinking (read up on 2's complement).

Float-type numbers have 2 parts, the exponent and the mantissa, where each part has a sign bit.

Strings are sequences of characters. A character is stored as an integer, and looked up in a table, when it actually needs to be displayed. E.g., 'A' is 6510 in the ASCII table.

Other, more complex data, is made up of collections of numbers and strings. Homogeneous collections are lists or vectors of, for example, integers, or strings, or other lists. Heterogeneous data is a collection of different types. E.g.:

A person might have these attributes, on a driver's license:




hair color


license #

Name and address would be strings. A simple age would be an integer. A birthday is a little more complex, but can be represented using an integer, or maybe a couple integers.

Weight is an integer, or possibly a float type.

Since there are usually only a few pre-defined choices for hair and eye color, we might enumerate (assign integers to) them, to save storage space.

ID "numbers", zip codes, phone numbers should be stored as strings. We might call them numbers, but, it doesn't make sense to do arithmetic on these things, so...

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