If I weighed less than a kilogram I would of course express my weight in grams
"Weight" is not measured in kilograms.If your mass was originally 150 kg and you lost 1 kg of mass, then you lost 2/3rds of 1 percent of your original mass.
Did you mean: "How many kilograms are there in three metric tons of weight?" The answer is: 3,000 kilograms. The kilogram is a unit of mass, whereas the ton is a unit of weight. Here on planet Earth, one SI kilogram is equivalent to 0.001 tons. The value is small since the kilogram is a fairly small amount of mass (the mass of a football helmet) when compared to the ton (the average weight of a passenger vehicle). Weight and mass are not to be confused, however. One can only make a relative comparison when using a larger body, like the Earth, as a frame of reference. In fact, weight is force, and not just any force. It is a force determined by the gravitational attraction between the object weighed and the larger mass on which the object is weighed. Do not try to convert three metric tons of weight into kilograms on planet Pluto! Mass is uniform: meaning that it is the same anywhere in the Universe, whereas weight changes according to gravity.
They both weight a kilogram. Lead has a higher density.
A kilogram is a unit of weight.
It depends on the force of gravity where the body is weighed.
If I weighed less than a kilogram I would of course express my weight in grams
when i was eight i weighed 78 pounds and that's what my doc told me was a good not over weighed weight
2.5 kilogram..
In the SI (metric system), weight is measured in newtons, since a weight is a force. If you actually want to measure the mass (many people tend to confuse weight and mass), the unit would be the kilogram.
1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds.
The male boxer can weigh up to 70 pounds and stands about 2 feet tall. for the female: 55 to 70 lbs, 65 lbs being a good average. 21 to 24 inches tall at shoulder, 22 inches being average. (Best dogs in the world by the way)
The average salinity of seawater is about 35 grams of dissolved salts per kilogram of seawater, or 3.5% by weight.
The total blood volume in the average adult is approximately 60-65 ml/kilogram body weight. Children have approximately 70 ml/kilogram body weight and obese patients approximately 55ml/kilogram body weight.
The largest wild raccoon on record weighed 62.6 lb. That is about triple the average weight for a raccoon.
"Weight" is not measured in kilograms.If your mass was originally 150 kg and you lost 1 kg of mass, then you lost 2/3rds of 1 percent of your original mass.
If the man weighed over 300 lbs.