In a 1 mL insulin syringe, the markings typically represent units of insulin, not milliliters. The number of units you would draw up in a 1 mL insulin syringe depends on the concentration of the insulin you are using. Common insulin concentrations are 100 units/mL and 50 units/mL. If you are using insulin with a concentration of 100 units/mL and you want to draw up a certain number of units, you simply draw up that number of units on the syringe. For example, if you want to draw up 10 units of insulin, you would fill the syringe to the 10 unit mark on the syringe. If you are using insulin with a concentration of 50 units/mL, then each unit on the syringe represents 2 units of insulin. So, to draw up 10 units of insulin in this case, you would fill the syringe to the 5 unit mark. Always make sure to use the correct insulin concentration and syringe to accurately measure and administer your insulin dose. If you are unsure about the concentration or how to use the syringe, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist for guidance.
It depends on what units.
10cc as 1ml is 1cc is 1cm3
1 milligram (mg) is equal to 0.001 units.
Units are not a specific of measurement
Hexa is always related to 6. So a hexagon has 6 equal units.
A gross is 144 units. A mass is 1200 units.
100 units of Botox = 4ml, therefore 25 units of Botox = 1ml and 5,000 units of Botox would equal 5,000/25 = 200ml of Botox