40 times.
36.436 times with 6 remaning546 - 6 = 540 = 15 x 36
It goes up if you multiply + numbers like 6 times 6 = 36. It goes down if you multiply a + and a - like 6 times -6 = -36. It can also go up if it is - and - like in -6 times -6= 36.
It is: 224/36 = 6 with a remainder of 8
217 ÷ 6 = 36.16 recurring or 36 times with a remainder of 1.
40 times.
70 divided by 6 equals 11 with a remainder of 4.
54 divided by 7 is 7.71
36 goes into 216 6 times, therefore it is 6 not 3.
36.436 times with 6 remaning546 - 6 = 540 = 15 x 36
It goes up if you multiply + numbers like 6 times 6 = 36. It goes down if you multiply a + and a - like 6 times -6 = -36. It can also go up if it is - and - like in -6 times -6= 36.
Yes, six times.
36 times
You go through the times tables. i.e There isn't 36 in the 5 times table so 5 is not a factor of 36, but 36 is in the 6 times table therefore 6 is a factor of 36. (Its also in the 1 times table!)
It is: 224/36 = 6 with a remainder of 8