If you need remainder it is 1 remainder 18, but if you need decimal it is 1.125.
The numbers are so big that 144 won't go into 166 more than once, thus it is 1 remainder 18.
The LCM is 1296.
It is: 144/162 = 8/9 simplified
The perimeter (measured in cm) is the length around so you would just add 144 + 162 + 144 + 162. The area (measured in sq. cm) is how much the surface covers. It is just multiplying 144 x 162.
144 018 + ------ 162
The greatest common factor of 144 , 162 = 18
The GCF is: 18
It is: 144/36 = 4
144/9 = 16
12x12is 144 . 1.5 x 12 is 18 . So I think this equates to 162
They are 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144 and 162.