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Wilfredo Romaguera

Lvl 10
4y ago
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Skylaar Green

Lvl 2
3y ago

90 yes, i nkow you are very lazy i am 10 and i know this right off the bat

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Skylaar Green

Lvl 2
3y ago

90 and you are VERY lazy

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Q: How much is 20+70(I know silly question im lazy)?
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no you should know that somebody answer this stupid lazy question adam wuz here

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Technically, there are infininte answers to this question. Here's an example: 440+1 (I know, I'm lazy.)

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Is there such a thing as a stupid question?

*If you are looking for silly or weird questions we have had on this site, there is a category called Most Amusing Questions Ever Asked on WikiAnswers - it is found under the Humor and Amusement Corner*Regarding the supposition that a question can be stupid: we often hear the statement that a "question is stupid." Literally speaking, a question can be neither stupid nor intelligent; It is only the questioner who can possess the attributes of stupidity or intelligence. More from our Wiki Contributors:If you perceive it to be silly or stupid, then yes, it is, however, if the person asking the question genuinely does not know the answer than no, it is not silly to ask that question.Yes there is a such thing. If you ask a question that you could have answered yourself just by thinking about what you just said, that's pretty silly. For example, my pharmacy has a phone answering system that says "Thank you for calling your local 24-hour pharmacy" and I constantly get people saying "What time do you close?" - that's a silly question.A question about something you do not understand, or that you'd like more information about isn't silly, even if you think everyone except you must know the answer - in class, if one person asks a question, then there are at least another five or six people who wanted to ask, but were too shy. Asking a question when you can easily find the answer by looking in your book or on a search engine like google or dogpile might be lazy, but it isn't stupid.In some cases a question can be considered a stupid question! If you are just starting to learn about something...then there are lots of questions to be asked...because you have never learned about the subject! Those questions are generally not considered stupid.However...sometimes people try to ask questions that they know are stupid, or silly. The reason for this is simple. They are trying to eitherfit into a groupmake people laughseem coollook cuteimpress someone

What is twenty and eight sixths divided by one two sixths?

i don't know I'm too lazy to answer this question. do it in your head or get a life!

In a rebus puzzle what does Noon Lazy mean?

It means lazy afternoon. Get it?

Why is your cat lazy and interested?

this question makes no sense

Do the Japanese compete in the Olympics?

IF someone was actually lazy enough to ask this question, I'll give a lazy answer: Yes.

Why can't I get my question ansered?

yo because im lazy

Where can you get a DVD?

I don't know you lazy bum