One thousand six hundred twenty and three tenths in decimal form is: 1,620.3
It is 9605.9
It is 5300029.6
One thousand six hundred twenty and three tenths in decimal form is: 1,620.3
It is 9605.9
how do you write five thousand four hundred thirty-two and one tenth in decimal form
It is 9605.9
One hundred fifty tenths in decimal form is 15.0 One hundred, and fifty tenths, in decimal form is 105.0
five hundred eleven and six tenths
It is 5300029.6
Question : How do you write two thousand seven hundred and four tenths in standard form ? Solution : We have 2700.4 = [(2700.4/1000) Γ 1000] = 2.7004 Γ 10Β³ (in standard form)
To write nine thousand six hundred five and nine tenths in decimal form, you would write it as 9605.9. The whole number part, 9605, remains the same, and the decimal part, nine tenths, is represented as 0.9. This is because the decimal point separates the whole number part from the fractional part, with each place value to the right of the decimal point representing a power of 10 (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.).