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Q: How are dogcatchers paid?
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How are most dogcatchers paid?

By the pound.

What are dogcatchers?

they are people who catch wild dog or norty dogs

What actors and actresses appeared in Dogcatchers - 2013?

The cast of Dogcatchers - 2013 includes: Stephanie Jane Markham as Dolan Chet Nelson as Infected Businessman Todd Robert Anderson as Browder Rusty Schwimmer as West Francis Stokes as Kuzma

If the dogcatchers don't want to do their jobs who do we contact?

Ghostbusters! Sorry, I had to do it. Usually you call animal control or the police...and they call Animal control for you.

What should i do My cat has been missing for 2 days which has never happened before?

Make up "Lost" notices to put on phone poles in your neighbourhood; put an ad in your local newspaper; call vets, shelters, and dogcatchers & ask if anyone has turned in a cat like yours. Good luck!

How much are you paid if you are paid 3k?

If you are paid 3k, then it means that you are paid "$3000".

How do you spell paid as in paid attention?

"P-a-i-d" is the correct spelling for the word "paid" as in "paid attention."

Meaning of yet to paid?

Not paid yet or still to be paid.

Are cartoon characters paid?

The characters are not paid, the voice over actors are paid and the artists are paid. The characters are not real.

What is the past and past participle for paid?

The past tense of "paid" is also "paid," and the past participle is also "paid." For example, "I paid for the groceries yesterday" (past tense) and "The bill has been paid" (past participle).

How do you use paid in a sentence?

How much do you get paid? I paid too much for my shoes.

Do NBA cheerleader get paid?

Yes, they get paid per performance and appearance.