5,500 sf
7*7 miles
31000 sf on 2.9 acres
100-300 USD
An Acre is 43,560 SF. So 12 Acres is 522,720 SF. To put that in something you can visualize, its about the size of 9 football fields.
enlist. Place SF in one of your 5 desired career options. SF is a big enough career field with enough manning needs that there is almost always an opening.
300 cubic feet.
The range should start at a minimum of $400for anything up to about 50 SF, plus about $5 per SF for the next 300 SF. As the amount of repairs increases, the SF cost should stabilize or decrease a little. New stucco should cost approximately $3.90 to $6.00 per SF."Small repair jobs cost more (per sq ft) than large jobs.Most contractors have a minimum charge and/or a charge for a service call.
300 ft
1,500 square foot is a decent size three bedroom house.
SF = Small Forward (in Basketball)
sf sf sf