It has an area of 1,269,345 square miles.
Total: 3,287,263 sq km
land: 2,973,193 sq km
water: 314,070 sq km
India - 1,269,210 square miles.1,269,219 square miles.
Area 603.4 km square..or 233 sq mi
Yes, as India is 310,527 square miles while California is 163,707 square miles. Yes, as India is 310,527 square miles while California is 163,707 square miles. Yes, as India is 310,527 square miles while California is 163,707 square miles. Yes, as India is 310,527 square miles while California is 163,707 square miles.
The Thar Desert is 200,000 square kilometers or 77,000 square miles.
3537441 square miles is approximately the size of India, which is the seventh largest country in the world by land area.
It is 15 square miles big It is 15 square miles big
India is 3.288 million square miles. It is the seventh largest country in the world by measure of area. It also has the second largest population of any country in the world.
India's total water area is 121,845.024 square miles.
Mumbai, India - 233 square miles.
Gujarat, India - 75,686 square miles.
Oh honey, India is a country, not a piece of real estate. It spans over 1.3 million square miles, which is roughly 1.269 million square feet. So, if you're thinking of buying it, you might need a pretty big wallet.
163,707 square miles.