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You cannot. You have only one brain so you can use at most 1 of your brain!

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

You cannot. You have only one brain and so cannot use more than one brain. Its quite simple, really!

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Q: How can we use more than 10 of our brain?
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How much brain power did albert Einstein use?

Albert einstein was an amazingly intelligent man. Normal human beings use about 10% of there brain "Power" but Albert on the other hand used a lot more than the average human being. It has been scientifically studied and scientist say that Albert used about 20% of his brain "Power". But there is someone who used even more than Albert Einstein.

How much of the human brain is actually used?

The human brain is used 100%. Some parts may show more activity than others and some parts may be used more often than others. But every part of it is in use. Studies of brain damage have shown that there is almost no part of the human brain that can be damaged without loss of abilities. The 10% use of the brain is an urban myth. The quote has been false attributed to many people, among those is Albert Einstein.

How much percent did newton use his brain?

We all use 100% of our brains, despite the popular myth that we use only 10%. The reason why Isaac Newton was able to accomplish so much was not because he used a greater percentage of his brain than other people did, but because he used his brain more effectively. Using a brain, and using it well, are two different things.

What percentage of brain HUMAN CAN use?

Humans can use 100% of their brain. The popular myth that humans only use 10% of their brain is not true. Different regions of the brain are active at different times and perform various functions, but all parts of the brain are utilized to some degree.

Is 10 more or less than 2?

10 is more than 2.

Related questions

Should your mind be in use more than 10 percent?

It is, The 10% use of the mind/brain is a myth.

What is the theme of Lucy and her friend chapter?

The movie Lucy is about a woman who absorbs a drug which allows her to use her brain more than 10%.

What would happen if you controlled more then 10 percent of your brain?

As you already control more than 10 percent of your brain nothing significantly different would happen.

What precentage of brain power do humans use?

We really have no accepted definition of or way to measure "brain power" so it is hard to say what the maximum possible power is or how much of that people use. No credible neuroscientist holds with the 10% dogma. By almost any reasonable measure we use more than that.

How can one say that Einstein used 10 percent of his brain?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that humans only use 10% of their brain, nor that Einstein specifically used more than that. This myth has been debunked by neuroscience research, as studies have shown that we use all parts of our brain for various functions.

How many motor ports vex?

on an old vex brain there are 8 but you can use y cables to use more than 8 motors on a new cortex brain there are 10 motor ports 8 3 wire and 2 2 wire

How much of the brain is used at once?

It is a common myth that humans only use 10% of their brains, but in reality, the brain is constantly active and different regions are involved in various tasks simultaneously. While certain functions may require more brain activity than others, it is safe to say that the majority of the brain is engaged in different activities throughout the day.

What is the typical use for a usb cable?

They are worth more than 10 dollars.They are worth more than 10 dollars.They are worth more than 10 dollars.They are worth more than 10 dollars.They are worth more than 10 dollars.a

How much brain power did albert Einstein use?

Albert einstein was an amazingly intelligent man. Normal human beings use about 10% of there brain "Power" but Albert on the other hand used a lot more than the average human being. It has been scientifically studied and scientist say that Albert used about 20% of his brain "Power". But there is someone who used even more than Albert Einstein.

How much of the human brain is actually used?

The human brain is used 100%. Some parts may show more activity than others and some parts may be used more often than others. But every part of it is in use. Studies of brain damage have shown that there is almost no part of the human brain that can be damaged without loss of abilities. The 10% use of the brain is an urban myth. The quote has been false attributed to many people, among those is Albert Einstein.

How could you use more than 20 percent of your brain?

The idea that "you only use 10% of your brain" is meant only as a metaphor, emphasizing that all of us have potential for much greater intellect than we give ourselves credit for. In reality 100% of the brain has active neurons firing impulses all the time, so a percentage figure is always some kind of misleading hype.

How much percent did newton use his brain?

We all use 100% of our brains, despite the popular myth that we use only 10%. The reason why Isaac Newton was able to accomplish so much was not because he used a greater percentage of his brain than other people did, but because he used his brain more effectively. Using a brain, and using it well, are two different things.