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Emiliano Torp

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Q: How can you estimate 115 and divide2?
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4.86 and divide2 = 2.43

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No need to estimate. The true answer is 345

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It is (32+32)/2 = 32

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What is the estimate for 115 divided by 2?


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45 + 70 ( rounding ) = 115... 67+85=

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Lady Gaga has been interviewed (estimate) 115 times.

How many kilometers is 115 miles?

There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile.To find the answer divide 11.5 by 1.609344. (or 1.6 for a rough estimate)The answer is 11.5 km is equal to 7.145769 miles.

Which is a reasonable estimate for the product of 5829 and 239?

6000 * 230 = 1,380,000 is reasonable. 23*5 = 115 so 23*6 = 115+23 = 138 and append the appropriate number of zeros. The exact anser is 1,393,131.

What is 115 plus 115?

115 plus 115 = 230