First convert the divisor to an integer by multiply both divisor and dividend by 10:
6 ÷ 25.2 = (6×10)÷ (25.2×10) = 60 ÷ 252
Now do the long division:
240 is greater than half of 252 = 126, so it will round up.
→ 6 ÷ 25.5 ≈ 0.2381
Oh, what a happy little question! To show your work for 6 divided by 25.2, you simply write it like this: 6 รท 25.2 = 0.238095238... . Just remember to take your time, use a gentle touch, and let the numbers flow onto the page like a beautiful stream. There are no mistakes here, just happy little calculations.
To show your work for 6 divided by 25.2, you would typically use long division. First, you would place 6 inside the division bracket and 25.2 outside the bracket. Then, you would divide 6 by 25, which equals 0 with a remainder of 6. Next, you would bring down the decimal point and add a zero after the 6 to continue the division process. Finally, you would continue dividing until you reach your desired level of precision.
6 divided by 166 show you work = 0.03614457831325301
6 ____ 13 /78 78 ---- 0
5 divided by 6 = 0.833333 recurring That makes the answer 2.833333 or 2 and 5/6 = 17/6 17 divided by 6 = 2.833333
252 / 6 = 42So the answer is yes!