Both weight and size are quantities that (for all practical purposes) can vary continuously, that is, it makes sense to use decimals. However, depending on the units used, anything after the decimal point may be too small to matter. For example, when measuring the height of a person in centimeters, it is difficult to even measure exactly to a precision greater than about 1 cm. - and the fractions of a centimeter are not relevant in any case.
Both weight and size are quantities that (for all practical purposes) can vary continuously, that is, it makes sense to use decimals. However, depending on the units used, anything after the decimal point may be too small to matter. For example, when measuring the height of a person in centimeters, it is difficult to even measure exactly to a precision greater than about 1 cm. - and the fractions of a centimeter are not relevant in any case.
Both weight and size are quantities that (for all practical purposes) can vary continuously, that is, it makes sense to use decimals. However, depending on the units used, anything after the decimal point may be too small to matter. For example, when measuring the height of a person in centimeters, it is difficult to even measure exactly to a precision greater than about 1 cm. - and the fractions of a centimeter are not relevant in any case.
Both weight and size are quantities that (for all practical purposes) can vary continuously, that is, it makes sense to use decimals. However, depending on the units used, anything after the decimal point may be too small to matter. For example, when measuring the height of a person in centimeters, it is difficult to even measure exactly to a precision greater than about 1 cm. - and the fractions of a centimeter are not relevant in any case.
Both weight and size are quantities that (for all practical purposes) can vary continuously, that is, it makes sense to use decimals. However, depending on the units used, anything after the decimal point may be too small to matter. For example, when measuring the height of a person in centimeters, it is difficult to even measure exactly to a precision greater than about 1 cm. - and the fractions of a centimeter are not relevant in any case.
why an set of integer denoted by z
It depends on the problem: you may have to use integer programming rather than linear programming.
You don't use a ream size for linerboard. The weight is per 1000 square feet of board. EI 42# liner weights 42#s per MSF (thousand square feet).
It depends on what country you are posting from, where to and, possibly, the weight of the package.
I suggest the millinewton. However, please note that people commonly confuse weight and mass; if it is actually the mass you want to measure, then use the gram.
It doesn't have length, but you can use sizeof to find out its size.
Cumbersome--- meaning hard to use or handle due to size or weight.
most dinghys people use weight 16kg. there are some kind of smaller ones witch weight 12. And there is also a bigger size which weight more than 18.5 or 19. The large ships weight 103kg.
Weight = Mass * Acceleration due to Gravity
Depends on your size and weight and the size of the 'cup'.
35 inch 33 weight
Usually we do not. We use mass, but wrongly call it weight. You compare the masses of people, you buy fruit and vegetables, or meat by their weight and not mass, etc.
10w30 weight
why an set of integer denoted by z
The word weight is abbreviated as wt. Some people also use wgt.
lightweight fabric, size 9 or 11 medium weight 14 heavy weight 16