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if seesaw is balanced under its own weight with no added mass on it you cannot balance on one side. If it is unbalanced under its own weight u can add mass to balance on one side with mass depending on distance to pivot

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By putting a mass on the other side.

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Q: How do you balance a see saw with one mass on one side?
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Why is the centroid the balancing point of a triangle?

This is sometimes referred to as center of mass, as well. If you could take the vector sum of all the torques produced by all of the 'point-masses' to this particular point they will net to zero. For simplicity, consider a weightless see-saw. On the right side of the see-saw is a person weighing 100 pounds, who is 6 feet away from the pivot point. This produces (100 pounds force) x (6 feet ) = 600 foot-pounds force of torque, in the clockwise direction. On the other side of the see saw is a 200 pound person at 3 feet away from the pivot. This will produce (200 pounds force) x (3 feet ) = 600 foot-pounds force of torque, in the counter-clockwise direction. So the see-saw is balanced. Now for each 'point-mass' (this is an infintessimaly small area with an associated small mass), a certain distance away from the centroid, there would be an equal mass the same distance away on the other side, but a vertex is farther away than the opposite side, so there will be two points, each at an angle from the centroid to a point which are a shorter distance, but add to balance the farther points. This is kind-of hard to explain without pictures.

What is the set of a saw?

It is the displacement of teeth on the saw, i.e., to bend the teeth of the saw alternately to either side of the blade. ( then I noticed this is in a computer section, sorry).

How many ways can you spell saw?

One way... saw.

What is the value of a Stoeger Arms 12 gauge Zephyr Woodlander side by side?

I just bought one today. Dealer said it probably was late 50s or 60s model. Paid 250. Was listed for 269.00. Just saw where the same gun was estimated to be worth 300 as a trade in item.

How many Old Testament prophets saw a vision or the voice of GOD?

The definition of being a prophet is one who speaks of divine things to people so all the real prophets heard or saw visions of God in one way of another. For example, Moses heard God speak in the burning bush, and Ezekiel saw a vision.

Related questions

How do you use algebra in a see saw?

The see-saw needs to balance so the force on wither side of the pivot needs to be equal. The turning force is calculated by distance from pivot (in metres) by force. The side with the largest turning force will be lower than the other. If they are equal then the see saw will balance.

What forces cause a see-saw to move?

A see-saw moves due to the force exerted by the weight of the people on each end. When one person pushes down on their side, the other end lifts up. The see-saw moves back and forth as the forces from each side balance and alternate.

How do you balance the sea saw when one side has a heavier weight than the other?

To balance a seesaw with unequal weights on each side, move the heavier weight closer to the pivot point and the lighter weight farther from it. This will create a counterbalance, allowing the seesaw to level out. Experiment with different placements until you achieve balance.

Can you use a seesaw to measure mass?

Provided the you know the mass of one of the objects ahead of time. If the see-saw were balanced then you would know the other object is the same mass as the object on the other end. If it is lighter, the other object would be higher, and if the other object were lower, that object would have more mass. LOL

When children play on a see-saw the long board that they sit on acts like a?

A lever. The see-saw's long board serves as the lever arm, with the fulcrum at the center allowing one side to move up as the other goes down, depending on where the weight is distributed.

Give 2 examples of ways that force can be unbalenced?

Pushing one end of a see-saw harder than the other, causing one side to go down faster than the other. Applying a greater force to one side of a tug-of-war rope, causing the team on that side to pull the other team off balance.

Are the forces on a see-saw balanced?

Only if both ends are at the same height. If a resultant force is more on one side than on the other side, then that will cause the side with the higher resultant to accelerate downwards or upwards, depending on the direction of the resultant force. The forces would be unbalanced in that system.

How does a saw work?

i think that if you put a thingy on one side and then a lighter thing on the other side then the heavier side will touch the bottom and the lighter side will go up in the air

Explain the forces involved when 2 people of different weights balance each other out on a see saw?

When two people of different weights balance each other on a see-saw, the force of gravity acting on each person creates a torque or moment that causes the see-saw to rotate about its pivot point. The see-saw remains in equilibrium when the torques from the two individuals are equal, even though their weights are different. The torque is calculated by multiplying the weight of the person by the distance from their center of mass to the pivot point.

Hand wheel on the side of a table saw?

The hand wheel on the side of a table saw is for tilting the blade arbor

Why is the centroid the balancing point of a triangle?

This is sometimes referred to as center of mass, as well. If you could take the vector sum of all the torques produced by all of the 'point-masses' to this particular point they will net to zero. For simplicity, consider a weightless see-saw. On the right side of the see-saw is a person weighing 100 pounds, who is 6 feet away from the pivot point. This produces (100 pounds force) x (6 feet ) = 600 foot-pounds force of torque, in the clockwise direction. On the other side of the see saw is a 200 pound person at 3 feet away from the pivot. This will produce (200 pounds force) x (3 feet ) = 600 foot-pounds force of torque, in the counter-clockwise direction. So the see-saw is balanced. Now for each 'point-mass' (this is an infintessimaly small area with an associated small mass), a certain distance away from the centroid, there would be an equal mass the same distance away on the other side, but a vertex is farther away than the opposite side, so there will be two points, each at an angle from the centroid to a point which are a shorter distance, but add to balance the farther points. This is kind-of hard to explain without pictures.

How does beam balance work?

A beam balance works by applying the principle of torque. The object being weighed is placed on one side of the beam, causing the beam to tilt. Weights are then added to the other side until the beam returns to a level position, indicating that the weights are equal to the object's mass.