You do the numerator divided by the denominator, then simplify the fractions if you can. (this is how you change a improper fraction to a mixed number, you cannot change a proper fraction to a mixed number)
If its not an improper fraction then you cant....
I don't think you can but, you can change an improper fraction to a decimal.
improper fraction
improper fraction
You do the numerator divided by the denominator, then simplify the fractions if you can. (this is how you change a improper fraction to a mixed number, you cannot change a proper fraction to a mixed number)
You change the mixed number into an inproper fraction.
528 percent = 528/100 = 132/25
change the mixed # into a fraction
If its not an improper fraction then you cant....
I don't think you can but, you can change an improper fraction to a decimal.
improper fraction
improper fraction
Find it out yourself
You don't.