To convert decimal to percent, move the decimal two places to the right and add the percent sign. If there are not two numbers to the right of the decimal, add zero's. For example: 0.4=40%, 0.41=41% 0.413=41.3% and 1.413=141.3%.
For percentages less than 10% and decimals less than 0.1, drop the leading zero's in the answer. For example: 0.02= 2% 0.025=2.5%
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100.
8 percent as a decimal is 0.08
70% or 0.7
To change a percent into a decimal divide it by 100 for example 75% = 0.75
in a fraction it is 40 over 100, but in a decimal it is 0.40 or 0.4
first lets take a decimal like 0.9 it = 90 over 100 so that =90 percent
To convert 0.3 to percent multiply by 100: 0.3 × 100 = 30 %
To convert 0.12 to percent multiply by 100: 0.12 × 100 = 12 %
To convert 625 to percent multiply by 100: 625 × 100 = 62,500 %