Convert the base 10 numeral to a numeral in the base indicated. 503 to base 5
There is no simple conversion. For example, 1610 = 315
1225 = 1 x 52 + 2 x 5 + 2 = 3710
Convert the base 10 numeral to a numeral in the base indicated. 503 to base 5
There is no simple conversion. For example, 1610 = 315
change 11122 to base ten numeral
1225 = 1 x 52 + 2 x 5 + 2 = 3710
It is 391.71!
Seventeen tens, in base ten, is 170
The Roman Numeral system is considered a base ten system.
Oh, dude, the opposite of a Roman numeral? That's like asking for the opposite of a unicorn, but hey, I got you. The opposite of a Roman numeral would be... not a Roman numeral. It's like asking for the opposite of a banana – it just doesn't work that way, man.
thirteen and three hundred twenty one thousandth in base ten numeral