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If you believe that one of the variables depends on the other then the dependent variable should go on the y axis. If they are dependent on each other (or both dependent on something else) or if they are independent then do whatever you like.

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9y ago

The convention is to have the independent variable represented along the X-axis and the dependent variable along the Y-axis.

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Q: How do you decide which variable should be on the x axes and which should be on the y axes?
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How do you decide which variable should be on the x-axis or y-axis in a graph?

Usually the variable placed on the x-axis will be the known values to which you want to correlate the unknown variable on the y-axis. Usually sequential information such as sample number or date or time will be placed on the x-axis as well.

What are the basic algebra rules and techniques?

1. Make it as simple as possible 2. Find your x, or whatever variable you are using 3. Be careful when graphing, the curves and axes intercepts should be accurate

What is the variable you plot on the x-axis?

The x variable, of course! If there are only two variables then the independent variable, if one exists, should be plotted on the x-axis.

What is the x axes on a ine graph?

the x axes is the bold line that goes horizontally the one that goes vertically is the y axes!

What on the x axes ant What is on the y axes?

The x is on the top left and y is on the bottom.

Which variable should you place along the x-axis and which variable should you place along the y-axis?

X goes on the x-axis, and y goes on the y-axis....

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The X and Y axes meet at the origin.

What are the 2 axes that makes up a graph?

X and Y axes.

In AP what is the dependent variable the x or the y?

In most cases, x is independent and y is dependent. That is, you choose the value of x, but this x-value will decide the corresponding y-value.

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each of the four regions created on the coordinate plane by the x- and y-axes.

Which axis holds the independent variable?

An independant variable should always be on the x-axis of a graph and the dependant variable on the y-axis.

What is the independent variable when graphing the density of a solid?

Mass is the independent variable and should be plotted on the x-axis.