Divide the larger number by the smaller. If the result has no remainder (no decimal) then the smaller number is a factor of the larger.
The larger decimal is 0.10
To determine which decimal is larger, we can compare them place by place starting from the left. In this case, 0.64 is larger than 0.6 because in the tenths place, 6 is greater than 0. Therefore, 0.64 is larger than 0.6.
The decimal 0.792 is two thousandths larger than 0.79.
3.5 is larger.
It is: 0.543 which is the larger decimal
No, .5 is larger. When determining which decimal is larger you look at the number directly to the right of the decimal, in this case 2 and 5. Since 5 is larger, 0.5 is larger than 0.212.
0.75 is larger. To determine which decimals are larger, always look at the first number after the decimal point. Whichever digit is larger is the larger number. If they're the same, look to the second digit to see which is bigger, and so on. In this case, because 7 is greater than 3, 0.75 is larger than 0.375.
0.3 > 0.075
To determine which is greater between 0.02 and 0.002, we compare the digits after the decimal point. In this case, 0.02 has two decimal places, while 0.002 has three decimal places. Since 0.02 is larger than 0.002, we can conclude that 0.02 is greater than 0.002.
.156 is larger than .155