8 divided into806
Long division.
8 divided into806
777 divided 7 Easy! 1st. Draw a bus stop Then on one side of the bus stop write 7 The other side write 777 After that how many times can 7 go into 7 that's 1 then how many times dose 7 go into 7 once then how many times dose 7 go into 7 once so the answer is 111!
ABSOLUTELY! ( IF the BUS is coming to or at a full stop!)
Long division.
Yes, you should stop.
you times 1 and 2 and then you times and divide the two numbers from the bus stop method and then you round it too the nearest hundred and divide by 10 and you have your awnser:)
Type your answer here... 2
The school bus is on the opposite side of a roadway that is divided by a physical barrier.