If you want to square a fraction, you can square the numerator and the denominator separately. For example, the square of 2/3 is equal to 4/9.
by flipping fraction and square rootin.
The square root of 15 as a fraction is 3 113/129.
Most square roots are irrational numbers and cannot be represented as a fraction.
The square root of 126 is ± 11.224972.± 11.224972 expressed as a fraction is: ±2806243/250000
Its 4, it ain't a fraction.
Simply put, the square root of seven is irrational and cannot be in fraction form.
The square root of the fraction 16 over 169 is 4 over 13.
In most cases you cannot since the square root is an irrational number, unlike a fraction which is rational.
The square root of 49 is 7 which is a whole number but it can be expressed as 7/1 which is an improper fraction.
It is another fraction, as well as its negative value.