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lie down on you chest and turn to the oppersite side and carry on traveling !

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 4y ago

Who's that log roll

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Q: How do you do a log roll?
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A log roll is part of what activity?


What sport do men balance on logs in water?

log rolling, two folks on a log, they try to roll the log with their feet and get their opponent to fall into the water.

What is the chocolate log?

it is a sponge roll (swiss roll) filled with cream and covered in chocolate, for those people who do not like christmas cake

How do you get the pumpkin though the log?

you roll it very fast from the checkpoint, go over the log and the pumpkin will be on the other side. This may take a few tries.

How do you roll the pumpkin off the cliff without breaking it on poptropica?

Go to you right and you will see a slope so you don't have to go off the cliff. You will come to a log the pumpkin gets stuck when you try to roll it through the log that is as far as i have gotton.

How do you turn someone from the Prone to the Supine position?

Have your partner stabilize the patients spine and then log roll them.

How do you get the pumpkin through the log on poptropica pumpkin patch?

you have to go back as far as you can then push the pumpkin as fast as you can until you get to the log. it should roll all the way through

How is a wood veneer desk made?

A log is rotated against a big blade and a veneer of wood rolls off the log like inwinding a roll of paper towells

When is an employee put on the payroll?

i am employees in safe way how can i make my pay roll log in id and password

How do you get past the hollow log bridge on great pumpkin island?

You have to stay in contact and push it as fast as you can. Run it up to the top speed and it will roll all the way through to the other side of the log.

How do you build a bridge in pikmin 2?

Apply anyamountof any type or types of Pikmin to a log and the Pikmin will roll it out as a bridge.

How do you get past the tree trunk on great pumpkin island?

Push it as fast as you can to the left and it will roll all the way through the log.