To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
you use the number you want to express as the fraction as the numerator and the other number is the denominator. an example is, "express 1 as a fraction of 4" you would write it as 1/4
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
You cannot do so.
A mixed number is a fraction
you use the number you want to express as the fraction as the numerator and the other number is the denominator. an example is, "express 1 as a fraction of 4" you would write it as 1/4
parts of a whole number
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
You cannot do so.
A fraction can be written as a word, such as quarter. You can write quarter as a number as .25 or 1/4
fraction=3/4 mix number= there is no mixed number as the decimal is .75 as opposed to a larger number such as 7.5 which would be put as 15/2
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
o is the mix number and 8 over 5 is th fraction