you use the number you want to express as the fraction as the numerator and the other number is the denominator. an example is, "express 1 as a fraction of 4" you would write it as 1/4
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
You cannot do so.
A mixed number is a fraction
you use the number you want to express as the fraction as the numerator and the other number is the denominator. an example is, "express 1 as a fraction of 4" you would write it as 1/4
parts of a whole number
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
You cannot do so.
A fraction can be written as a word, such as quarter. You can write quarter as a number as .25 or 1/4
fraction=3/4 mix number= there is no mixed number as the decimal is .75 as opposed to a larger number such as 7.5 which would be put as 15/2
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
o is the mix number and 8 over 5 is th fraction