Given a number in percentage form, you move the decimal point two places to the left to express it in decimal form. If it had no decimal place to start with, append one at the end of the number. If there are not enough digits to move the decimal place two places, then insert 0s before the start of the percentage.
To convert to a fraction, divide the percentage by 100. Simplify the fraction is you so wish.
So 42% is 42. (append decimal point) and the decimal is 0.45
3.5% is 0.035
42% = 42/100 = 21/50.
3.5% = 3.5/100 = 35/1000 = 7/200.
To express 66.67 percent as a fraction, you first convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100. So, 66.67% is equal to 0.6667 as a decimal. To convert this decimal to a fraction, you can write it as 6667/10000 and simplify if possible. Therefore, 66.67% as a fraction is 6667/10000.
as a decimal .2 as a percent 20%
Express both the percent and the fraction in decimal form, do the multiplication. Here is an example: what is 89% of three quarters? .89 x .75 = .6675
23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.
you have 2 turn the percent into a decimal the you can easily turn the decimal into a fraction
As a fraction, 3/1 As a decimal, 3 As a percent, 300%
To express 66.67 percent as a fraction, you first convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100. So, 66.67% is equal to 0.6667 as a decimal. To convert this decimal to a fraction, you can write it as 6667/10000 and simplify if possible. Therefore, 66.67% as a fraction is 6667/10000.
I think there is three different ways to write a fraction. You can write it as a percent, a decimal, and a reduced fraction. I hope this works! :)
as a decimal .2 as a percent 20%
To express a decimal as a percent, multiply it by 100. (0.75 = 75%) To express a decimal as a fraction, say it out loud. (0.75 = "seventy-five hundredths" = 75/100) To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. (75/100 = 3*25/4*25 = 3/4)
17.5 as a percent as a decimal fraction is 16/3
Express both the percent and the fraction in decimal form, do the multiplication. Here is an example: what is 89% of three quarters? .89 x .75 = .6675
To convert 220 percent to a decimal, you move the decimal point two places to the left, making it 2.20. To express it as a fraction, you can write it as 220/100 and then simplify it to 11/5.
39 percent = 0.39 in decimal and 39/100 in fraction
0.01%(percent) = 0.0001(decimal) = 1/10000(fraction)
23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.
you have 2 turn the percent into a decimal the you can easily turn the decimal into a fraction