You can find the ASCII value of numbers greater than 9 using the following functions: std::to_string or boost::lexical_cast or std::ostringstream depending on the compiler that you are using.
If you can't find them on your keyboard, use charmap.exe () ASCII 28H and 29H [] ASCII 5BH and 5DH {} ASCII 7BH and 7DH
You compare it against the known character ranges! The following is an example to identify ASCII characters:First, check if it is ASCII. All ASCII characters are less than 0x80. If it is:Check for a printable character (range: 0x20 to 0x7E). If it is:0x20: Space0x30 to 0x39: Numbers0x41 to 0x5A: Capital letters0x61 to 0x7A: Lowercase lettersEverything else are special symbols ($, #, !, ?, and friends).Everything else are control charactersIf the value is >= 0x80, then it is not ASCII. What character it represents is specified by the codepage.Note that some codepages (most notably the Windows-1252 codepage, sometimes incorrectly called ANSI) are extensions to the ASCII standard, so the characters less than 0x80 would be the same as in ASCII.
"in order to check the repetition of characters in a string in c" we have to pick up each element of the string using a for loop and then using its ASCII value check whether another character of the same ASCII value exists using an if condition statement.
Store the numbers in a suitable container such as an array. Assume the first number is the smallest and assign its value to a local variable. Traverse the remainder of the sequence, comparing each element's value to the stored value. If an element has a lower value, assign its value to the local variable. When the sequence is fully traversed, the local variable will hold the value of the smallest value in the sequence. Return that value.
Write a simple program to find out how many of the numbers from 1 to 10 is greater than 4.
If you look up the ASCII values for digits, you'll see that 0 = 48, 1 = 49... 9 = 57. So it's a simple matter of adding 48 to your digit to find out the ASCII value for it.
Websites such as and provide ascii tables on their websites, along with toher information about ascii codes, their uses, and how to use them.
A simple Google search on "ASCII table" found this site:
=^..^= Or google for ascii art cat and you find a thousands :-)
If you can't find them on your keyboard, use charmap.exe () ASCII 28H and 29H [] ASCII 5BH and 5DH {} ASCII 7BH and 7DH
You need at least two numbers to find a greater common.
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 is all the alphabet turned into ASCII first decimal then ASCII. Hope you find it useful.
The greater of two numbers is 7 more than the lesser Three times the greater number is 5 more than 4 times the lesser number Find the numbers?
If you are referring to the ASCII code: The ASCII Code for a dot (.) is 46. The hexadecimal equivalent of this is 2E. You can find this, and all ASCII characters here:
On a number line, the numbers start with zero and get larger as they move to the right, They are negative and get smaller as they move to the left from the zero. To find which number is greater, you can find the places of two numbers on the line and the one on the right is greater.
There are more composite numbers than prime numbers, but there is no prime or composite number so great that you can't find a greater one of either kind.
Find two consecutive numbers with the value of 4160