272.0 rounds to 270
When using significant digits, the product has only the number of significant digits as the lowest number in the factors. "20" has two significant digits and "310" has three. Therefore, the product has to have two significant digits. 310 × 20 = 6200 6200 already has two significant digits.
Any measurement may have two significant digits.
For a quick estimate, you would usually round to one, sometimes to two, significant digits. One significant digit means discarding all digits after the first, i.e., converting them to zero (and rounding the remaining digit up or down as appropriate).
Three: The first two zeros are not significant digits.
272.0 rounds to 270
1.0 x 10^4
It has two significant digits.
No, it has 3 significant digits.
You can just round it off. For example, if your number is 8.38572998472654400131... that is equal to approximately 8.4 (if two significant digits is enough for your purposes) or 8.39 (if you prefer 3 significant digits).
When using significant digits, the product has only the number of significant digits as the lowest number in the factors. "20" has two significant digits and "310" has three. Therefore, the product has to have two significant digits. 310 × 20 = 6200 6200 already has two significant digits.
Any measurement may have two significant digits.
When multiplying numbers with different numbers of significant digits, the result should have the same number of significant digits as the least precise measurement. Count the number of significant digits in each number, perform the multiplication as usual, and then round the result to the least number of significant digits used in the calculation.
There are two significant digits in the number 83.
Two significant digits, the 7 and trailing 0.
Two. All nonzero digits are significant.
For a quick estimate, you would usually round to one, sometimes to two, significant digits. One significant digit means discarding all digits after the first, i.e., converting them to zero (and rounding the remaining digit up or down as appropriate).