XXVI is the number 26 in Roman numerals.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: XI-XXVI-MCMXCVII
26 = XXVI
The Roman numerals for November 26, 2010, are XXVI XI MMX.
XXVI is the number 26 in Roman numerals.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: XI-XXVI-MCMXCVII
26 = XXVI
The date 26-08-1984 written in Roman numerals is XXVI.VIII.MCMLXXXIV
The Roman numerals for November 26, 2010, are XXVI XI MMX.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: II-XXVI-MCMLXXXVI
XXIV (24) XXVI (26)
VIXX in Roman numerals is 5 1 10 10. So, if you were trying to write out the K-pop group VIXX in Roman numerals, you'd be better off just sticking with the letters. But hey, at least you learned something new today!