46 - =? 69
You can't simplify that; 69 and 50 have no common factor.
It is: 51/69 = 17/23 in its lowest terms
69/92 In order to simplify, you need to find the GCF - Greatest Common Factor. The factors for 69: 1x69 3x23 The factors for 92 are: 1x92 2x46 4x23 6x16 So the GCF is 23. 69/92 to simplify, 69/23 = 3 and 92/23 = 4 That means 3/4 or .75
46 - =? 69
18/69 = 6/23
You can't simplify that; 69 and 50 have no common factor.
It is: 51/69 = 17/23 in its lowest terms
Divide each part by 3 and you will get 23 over 70.
69/92 In order to simplify, you need to find the GCF - Greatest Common Factor. The factors for 69: 1x69 3x23 The factors for 92 are: 1x92 2x46 4x23 6x16 So the GCF is 23. 69/92 to simplify, 69/23 = 3 and 92/23 = 4 That means 3/4 or .75
23/69 = 1/3
Well, honey, 15 over 69 in lowest terms is 5 over 23. Just divide both numbers by 3, and there you have it! Math made easy, just like a piece of pie.
To reduce the fraction 69/92 to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 69 and 92, which is 23. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 23 gives us 3/4. Therefore, 69/92 reduced to its lowest terms is 3/4.
I don't want to over-simplify... the '69 was a refined, revised version of the '68 model.