You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but
you can never simplify whole numbers.
no 13 is a prime number
It can't be simplified because the square root of 13 is an irrational number that can not be expressed as a fraction
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 13/3 is equal to 4 1/3 or four and a third.
no 13 is a prime number
No you can't. 13 is a so-called prime number and can therefore not be simplified.
It can't be simplified because the square root of 13 is an irrational number that can not be expressed as a fraction
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 13/3 is equal to 4 1/3 or four and a third.
It is simply -15
You can't simplify a number into a bigger number, stupid
No, it cant. 13 is a prime number, so only 1 and itself can go into it. 13 cannot go into 25 evenly. :)
To simplify you divide the number that will go into each number evenly.
To simplify 158/12, divide 158 by 12. The answer is 13 remainder 2. 13 is a whole number. Now, pit the 2 over 12. It is 2/12, but it needs to be simplified, so divide the denominator and numerator by 2. The answer is 1/6. Put it with the 13 and the final answer is 13 1/6.