7.4 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 74/10. You can simplify this rational fraction if you require.
Percent means "out of 100" so 74% can be written as 74/100 And because 74 and 100 have a common factor you can simplify the fraction further ... 74% = 74/100 = 37/50
It is: 0.74 = 37/50 as a fraction in its lowest terms
74/100 or a simplified version is 37/50
how do you turn 10% into a fraction
turn 2.04 into a fraction
74 as a fraction is simply 74/1
74 = 74/1
0.74 = 74/100 = 37/50
74 is an integer and there is not a sensible way of representing it as a fraction. 74/1 is a silly, but mathematically correct answer.
equivalent fraction for 74 out of 100 = 37/50
74 = 74/1
Percent means "out of 100" so 74% can be written as 74/100 And because 74 and 100 have a common factor you can simplify the fraction further ... 74% = 74/100 = 37/50
0.74 = 74/100 <- Express 0.74 into fraction form, ie 74 x 10^-2 = 74 x 1/100 = 74/100 = 37/50 <- Simplify the fraction by dividing 2.
reduced fraction of 74 over 160 = 37/80
74/100 37/50