0.533333333333333 can't be an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
7/5 is already an improper fraction.
As an improper fraction it is 600/1
It is: 2001/100 as an improper fraction
Fifty hundredths can't be an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
It is: 97/10 as an improper fraction
It is 903/100 as an improper fraction
7/25 is a proper fraction and there is no sensible way to write it as an improper fraction.
14 as an improper fraction is 14/1
3.152 written as an improper fraction is 3152/1000
7.3 as an improper fraction is 73/10
It is: 753/250 in its simplest form as an improper fraction
7/5 is already an improper fraction.
31.04 as an improper fraction is 3104/100 or 776/25
4.025 as an improper fraction is 161/40
9.5 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 19/2
improper fraction that equals 37 = 37/1