It is 8.7 x 106 in scientific notation.
106/4 or 26.5
I write 620 billion as 620 billion.
106 = One hundred and six.
Sixteen point two billion is how I would write it.
It is 8.7 x 106 in scientific notation.
106/4 or 26.5
I write 620 billion as 620 billion.
106 = One hundred and six.
3% of 3.56 billion = 106 800 000 (assuming 1 billion = 1000 million)
Sixteen point two billion is how I would write it.
1 million billion = (106) x (109) = 1015 = 1,000,000,000,000,000
5.37 106 in standard form is 5.37 x 106
You write 3.56 billion as 3,560,000,000.
That's 106.That's 106.That's 106.That's 106.
As I use the long scale based on powers of a million (and used in countries like Europe), I write it as:35.08 billion = 35.08 x (106)2 = 35.08 x 1012= 35,080,000,000,000Others, however, use the short scale based on powers of a thousand plus one (and used in countries like USA), and write it as:35.08 billion = 35.08 x (103)2+1 = 35.08 x 109= 35,080,000,000