The simplified 15/24 is 5/8
The GCD (greatest common divisor) of 15 and 24 is 3. Divide both the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) by 3 to get the simplified answer.
The simplified fraction of 15/21 is 5/7.
2 over 7
It is: 1281/45 = 427/15 simplified
The simplified fraction of 15 over 63 is 5/21
15/30 as a simplified fraction is 1/2.
The simplified fraction of 15/21 is 5/7.
15/48 is simplified to 5 over 16
The simplified fraction of 300 over 40 is 15/2
94/15 is already a simplified fraction.
2 over 15
2 over 7
It is: 1281/45 = 427/15 simplified
5/6 is.