To write 259 tens as a decimal, you need to understand the place value system. The number 259 in tens is equivalent to 2590. Therefore, you can write 259 tens as a decimal by placing a decimal point after the last digit, which would give you 2590.
It is 0.4
Four tens is 40.0 Four tenths is 0.4
It is 40.
To write 259 tens as a decimal, you need to understand the place value system. The number 259 in tens is equivalent to 2590. Therefore, you can write 259 tens as a decimal by placing a decimal point after the last digit, which would give you 2590.
259 tenths = 25.9
It is 2590.
15 tens = 150
It is 0.4
It is 3.8
It is 230.
Four tens is 40.0 Four tenths is 0.4