1,495,461,649,000.00 Nigerian Naira
To calculate 2% of 1 billion naira, you would first convert 2% to a decimal by dividing it by 100, which equals 0.02. Then, you would multiply 1 billion by 0.02 to find the answer. Therefore, 2% of 1 billion naira is 20 million naira.
u can turn 1million naira to 1billion naira by adding 6 zeros to 1million has in 1000000>>>1000000000000
I write 620 billion as 620 billion.
Sixteen point two billion is how I would write it.
1,495,461,649,000.00 Nigerian Naira
To calculate 2% of 1 billion naira, you would first convert 2% to a decimal by dividing it by 100, which equals 0.02. Then, you would multiply 1 billion by 0.02 to find the answer. Therefore, 2% of 1 billion naira is 20 million naira.
it's not 200,000,000
It is: $26,000,000,000 dollars
write number in standard form 75 billion, 84 million, 26 thousand
1 billion naira
26000000000000 26,000,000,000
20 billion Naira
u can turn 1million naira to 1billion naira by adding 6 zeros to 1million has in 1000000>>>1000000000000
Recent figures show that d'banj is worth two times any other single artist in nigeria he is worth close to 4 billion naira approzimately, but in real terms he is worth 3.98 billion naira