117 over 208 in lowest terms is 9/16
163/208 is in its simplest form
The lowest terms of 117 out of 208 in fraction form is 9/16
The LCM is: 624
195/208 = 15/16 = 0.9375
208/10 = 20.8 208/100 = 2.08 208/1,000 = 0.208
Oh, isn't that just a happy little math problem? Let's simplify that fraction together. By dividing both numbers by their greatest common factor, we can see that 325 over 208 simplifies to 25 over 16. Just like painting, sometimes simplifying things can bring clarity and beauty to the final result.
13 times 16 is 208, and 16 times 13 is 208. Since 13 is prime and not a factor of 16, 13 and 16 have no common factors other than 1. Therefore, 208 is the lowest common multiple of 13 and 16.
Two hundred eight.
187/208 is in its simplest form.