Thirteen and 25/100 dollars
The way to write 33 is Thirty-three. You would write Thirty-three dollars. You could also write Thirty-three dollars and 00 cents.
One thousand and 00/100 dollars
Ninety-eight and 34/100 dollars
Two hundred sixty and 00/100 dollars
how do you write a check for eight thousand and no dollars
three hundred and thirty dollars
Two and 00/100 dollars
Thirty and 00/100 dollars
Thirty and 00/100 dollars
Fifty and 00/100 dollars
Seventy and 00/100 dollars
Thirty and 00/100 dollars
This is how you would write $50.71 on a check. Fifty dollars and 71/100.
On a check, you would write one thousand and seventy dollars. Another form is $1,070.