To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
A mixed number.
I wouldconvert both to improper fraction,find a common multiple (CM),calculate equivalent fraction with CM as the denominator,add the numerators,change the improper fraction to a mixed fraction, if required,simplify the fractional part of the mixed fraction - if appropriate and required.
If you are using the same number, then the improper fraction and mixed number are equal.
Improper Fraction.
18/12 is an improper fraction. It's equivalent to the mixed number 1.5 .
An improper fraction equivalent to the mixed number 53/4 is 23/4
A mixed number.
Yes, it can. In fact every mixed number has an equivalent improper fraction.
The mixed number ab/c is equivalent to the improper fraction (a*c+b)/c
I wouldconvert both to improper fraction,find a common multiple (CM),calculate equivalent fraction with CM as the denominator,add the numerators,change the improper fraction to a mixed fraction, if required,simplify the fractional part of the mixed fraction - if appropriate and required.
If you are using the same number, then the improper fraction and mixed number are equal.
Improper Fraction.
18/12 is an improper fraction. It's equivalent to the mixed number 1.5 .
It is: 5 and 6/7
43 is an integer, not an improper fraction nor a mixed number.
The mixed number 6 and 5/6 is equivalent to 41/6 as an improper fraction.
50/45 is an improper fraction. 1 and 1/9 is an equivalent mixed number in lowest form.