It is XXX840 where XXX is the international currency code for the dollar for whichever country you have in mind.
eight hundred sixty-eight dollars and forty-three cents.
two hundred and forty dollars
I write it as $4,500
Eight hundred forty-eight and 00/100 dollars
Three thousand, eight hundred eighty-six dollars and forty-eight cents.
Eight Hundred and Forty Dollars (Some people write it this way though... i think its pointless to include the cents) Eight Hundred Forty Dollars and Zero Cents
eight hundred sixty-eight dollars and forty-three cents.
Four thousand five hundred forty-eight and 00/100 dollars
$1,545.58For writing a check: One thousand five hundred forty-five and 58/100 dollars
Two hundred forty-eight thousand, eight hundred forty-seven.
Three Hundred and Two point Forty Eight (If in dollars- like on a check) Three Hundred and Two Dollars and 48/100