Two million three hundred and forty thousand.
Two million three hundred and forty thousand.
Two million three hundred and forty thousand.
Two million three hundred and forty thousand.
Two hundred thousand.
One hundred forty-two thousand dollars.
The use of words as well as numerals presumably makes it harder to alter a check.
Six thousand three hundred and five hundredths Qatari Riyals.
two million, three hundred forty thousand.
% rate = 4.2735% = 100000/2340000 * 100% = 0.042735 * 100% = 4.2735%
234,000 is 95.9% of 244,000
Two hundred thousand.
So that no one can increse the amount after that.....and a fixed amount can be cashed
eighteen million riyal ony
One million Qatari Riyals.
It is had to tell with a number containing two decimal points.
One hundred forty-two thousand dollars.
I would write on a British cheque, forty-five thousand pounds (or dollars, depending on the your country).
The use of words as well as numerals presumably makes it harder to alter a check.