Well, isn't that a happy little question! To write seven hundred and ninety-seven thousandths as a fraction, you simply place 797 in the numerator and 1000 in the denominator, because there are 1000 thousandths in a whole. So, the fraction is 797/1000. Just like painting, math can be a beautiful way to express yourself!
9,700 thousandths is 9.7
Nine hundred ninety-five and seven thousand, five hundred ninety-seven ten-thousandths.
0.3795 is written: three thousand seven hundred ninety-five ten-thousandths
649700 thousandths, in figures, is 649.7
Seven hundred ninety-eight thousandths.
13.790 = thirteen and seven hundred ninety thousandths (or seventy nine hundredths).
Eleven and seven hundred ninety-five thousandths.
Three and four hundred ninety-seven thousandths in decimal form is 3.497
seven and eight hundred ninety-three ten thousandths
9,700 thousandths is 9.7
Nine hundred ninety-five and seven thousand, five hundred ninety-seven ten-thousandths.
0.3795 is written: three thousand seven hundred ninety-five ten-thousandths
Seven and three hundred ninety-seven thousandths.
649700 thousandths, in figures, is 649.7
Nine hundred ninety-seven and nine hundred ninety-one ten-thousandths.
I believe that 9,700 thousandths in figure form is 9.7