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Eldred Bergstrom

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3y ago
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10y ago

k = 2

sum = 0

do until k = 16

sum = sum + k

k = k+1


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Q: How do you write the sum of all even numbers from 2-15 using D O Until Loop?
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for(; ;);..this will do for an infinite loop

How do you write a program to twin print prime numbers from 1 to 50 in PHP?

I suggest you write an outer loop, that loops through all the numbers from 1 to 50. Call the variable that controls the loop something like "number".Then, initially assume the number is a prime (with a variable such as "isprime"); and write another loop that compares whether the number is divisible by any number from 2 to number-1. Call the controlling variable "factor". If number is divisible by factor, then it is not a prime, and you can exit the loop. At the end of the inner loop, if the variable "isprime" is still true, then you print the number.

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