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You do not need the distributive property for to do that!

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10h + 14h = 2h(5 + 7) = 2h x 12 = 24h

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Q: How does the distributive property allow you to combine the terms 10h and 14h?
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How do you simplify equations?

A lot of times simplifying equations can be really easy, depending on how many numbers you have however the main thing that you want to do is combine like terms meaning combine the numbers with the same variable then move on to the rest of the problem. However if you have a bigger problem then you want to use the distributive property, and example of that would be: 4(8 + 2) ...but in distributive property would also be the same as (4 * 8) + (4 * 2)

What is distributive property in fifth grade?

The DISTRIBUTIVE property is a property of multiplication over addition (or subtraction). In symbolic terms, it states that a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c

What does collect like terms mean in maths?

"Like terms" are terms that have the same variables, but possibly with different numbers. "Collect" means to put them together - add the numbers. For example, in an expression such as: 5x + 3y - 2x You can combine the "x" terms: (5x - 2x) + 3y and add the numbers (this is justified by the distributive property: (5x - 2x) + 3y = (5 - 2)x + 3y = 3x + 3y

How do you combine like terms using the distributive property?

Technically those are two different things that you must do when dealing with algebra. For example: 3(3a+2b)+4a First you use the distributive property with the 3(3a+2b). If there is a coefficient on the inside of the parentheses then you multiply it by the number on the outside of the parentheses. After doing so, the algebraic sentence would become: 9a+6b+4a Then when you combine like terms, or when two terms have the same variable, therefore, can be combined, you take the sign in front of the like terms along with them. So you would take the addition sign along with 9a and 4a, meaning you add them together. Then the algebraic sentence would become: 13a+6b (Hint: Always list the variables alphabetically, so 13a would come before 6b.)

Distributive property with variables?

Say the Question is 3(2y+5) Multiply both terms in the brackets by 3 so (3x2y)+(3x5) = 6y+15

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What is the distributive property when multiplying polynomials?

You just multiply the term to the polynomials and you combine lije terms

Division of Monomials and Polynomials by Monomials?

to multiplya polynomial by a monomial,use the distributive property and then combine like terms.

What is simplified form for 4(2z-1)-5z?

Expand: 8z-4-5z Collect like terms: 3z-4

What property can you use to combine two like terms to get a single term?

You don't use a 'property" to combine like terms, you use an "operation". To combine like terms, use the following operations:Addition: 4x+3x=7xSubtraction: 4x-3x=1x=xMultiplication/Division:4x = 2x + y-2x + 4x = 2x + y -2x2x = y1/2 * 2x = y * 1/2x = y/2check: x,y=(10,20)4*10 = 2*10+2040 = 20+2040 = 40 = true==============You are absolutely right! I stand corrected: But if the asker wants to know, it is the distributive property of like terms which makes combing them possible as illustrated in the examples, above. Thanks.-----You can use the distributive property to combine like terms.For example, take 3x+5x. By using the distributive property, this is the same as x(3+5). Since 3+5=8, the sum of 3x and 5x is 8x.

What is the distributive property in mathematical terms?

a(b + c) = ab + ac

How do you simplify equations?

A lot of times simplifying equations can be really easy, depending on how many numbers you have however the main thing that you want to do is combine like terms meaning combine the numbers with the same variable then move on to the rest of the problem. However if you have a bigger problem then you want to use the distributive property, and example of that would be: 4(8 + 2) ...but in distributive property would also be the same as (4 * 8) + (4 * 2)

What is distributive property in fifth grade?

The DISTRIBUTIVE property is a property of multiplication over addition (or subtraction). In symbolic terms, it states that a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c

How do use distributive property with division?

To be picky, the distributive property is about multiplication, but division is defined in terms of multiplication, so your question can be answered!Say you have (6xy+15y)/(3y). The distributive property will say this is equal to 6xy/3y + 15y/3y = 2x + 5.Notice that the "/3y" has been distributed onto each term inside the parentheses.

How do you factorise 5a minus 20?

You look for a common factor between the two terms, take it out, and use the distributive property.

What does collect like terms mean in maths?

"Like terms" are terms that have the same variables, but possibly with different numbers. "Collect" means to put them together - add the numbers. For example, in an expression such as: 5x + 3y - 2x You can combine the "x" terms: (5x - 2x) + 3y and add the numbers (this is justified by the distributive property: (5x - 2x) + 3y = (5 - 2)x + 3y = 3x + 3y

Which is a vital component of effective search statements that allow you to combine search terms to broaden or narrow your search?

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How can you write equivalent expressions with Greatest common factor and the distributive property?

Suppose x and y are two terms with GCF k where the assumption (in this context) is that k is greater than 1. That implies that x = pk and y = qk where p and q are coprime terms. Then x + y = pk + qk and, using the distributive property, this is k*(p + q).