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It depends on the total load spread along the line and the voltage drop at full load at the end of the line. Generally up to 3 % voltage drop is considered ok. Anything beyond you need another transformer center.

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

There is no set distance. You just have to keep increasing the size of the feeder conductors the further the distance becomes. It is all to do with voltage drop. The further from the voltage source the voltage drops off due to the internal resistance of the feeder conductor.

There are many voltage drop calculators on the internet. All you have to do in insert the voltage you are using, the amperage that you want at the end of the feeder run and the distance that you want to run the feeder line. It will calculate the size of the conductor needed to fulfill your parameters that you added to calculate your feeder size. These calculators usually calculate to a voltage drop of 3% which is fine for a home distribution system.

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Q: How far can power line be from house to pole without transformer?
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What is line side amps for 1000kva transformer?

Line side amps for a 1000kVA transformer would depend on the voltage rating of the transformer and the power factor of the load. To calculate line side amps, you would divide the transformer kVA rating by the product of the voltage and the square root of three (for a three-phase system).

Why lightning arrestor should be placed near transformer?

A lightning arrester should be placed near a transformer to protect it from voltage surges caused by lightning strikes. These surges can damage the transformer and disrupt power distribution if not properly controlled. Placing the lightning arrester near the transformer helps to divert the excess voltage to the ground, protecting the transformer and associated equipment.

What is the purpose of a transformer?

A transformer is used to change the voltage level of an electrical current, either stepping it up or stepping it down. This is important for transmitting electricity efficiently over long distances and for matching the voltage needed by different devices.

Which part of the electrical line is responsible in reducing the voltage to 220 volts in residential places?

Its not a part of the line but a different component in the circuit called the transformer. The step down transformer is responsible for reducing the voltage that is brought to it from the company main line. It follows the law of electromagnetic induction.

What can cause an electrical supply system to go down?

Electriciy can down for a variety of reasons, a vehicle can knock over a power pole, a storm can drop a tree branch on a power line, a transformer can blow if old, or even excessive power usage in a neighbourhood can blow the local tranformer out.

Related questions

Is there a basic difference between a three phase power transformer and a three phase distribution transformer?

The basic difference is the secondary voltages. On a distribution transformer the secondary voltage is very high. This is to overcome line loss for transmission of electricity over long distances. A three phase power transformer is used at the consumers three phase services end to manipulate voltages that consumers need to operate their equipment. The transformer that feeds your house is considered to be a single phase power transformer.

What is the result when 3 kva power requirement is being supplied by 250 kva transformer?

The result is that the transformer runs cool and contented. The '250 KVA' rating on the transformer is its maximum ability to transfer power from its input to its output without overheating, NOT an amount of power always running through it. If the 3 KVA load happens to be the only thing connected to the transformer at the time, then only 3 KVA flows into the transformer from the primary line, and only 3 KVA leaves the transformer secondary.

How to stop hum where power line is tied to house at second story Distribution box is in basement?

Probably the only way is to eliminate the overhead powerline and bury the cable from transformer to the house. The wires will always telegraph sounds from the powerline and/or power poles.

What do you call A device that increases or decreases voltage in a power line is a?

A transformer can perform this function.

What is unit transformer?

UniT transformer are step up transformer which is connected to generating house & step up voltage from 11/15kV votlage to 220/400kV voltage level as requirement or line design parameter. It is just like transformer but connected to unit of the generating house that's why we called it unit transformers.

What do you mean by line in and line out in power system?

A1: Usually this is in reference to a transformer that either steps up or steps down the Line Voltage. For example if your house line voltage was 120 VAC and this voltage was attached to the input (Primary) or a transformer, the output side of the transformer might step up the voltage to 240 VAC. This would be called line out voltage on the secondary of the transformer. A2: In case the question was related to audio signalling and amplification, Line In and Line Out are low level inputs and outputs of audio signals, often using RCA phono jacks, such as what is connected between a tape deck or CD player and your mixer or amplifier with coaxial cables.

If a landlord runs his or her business on the same property as the house can he have the power to the business running through the line that you pay for?

Not without your permission.

How do you replace a European plug with a North American plug?

I would caution you that it might be dangerous to do that. The voltages of the electricity supplied to houses in some European countries differ from the one on this continent. For anything short-term, they sell converters that can protect your equipment when plugging into a non-standard outlet, which would be much safer. However, to answer your question, in a European house you would need the final line transformer providing 230V from the power company to have a center tapped neutral, which they do not currently have, and so you would have to have a custom transformer... who knows what that would take in terms of safety regulations or permits. (In the US 240V is the main voltage coming into the house, and they use a center tapped transformer secondary tied to house neutral on the house side. The voltages available inside the US house are 120V from each line to neutral and 240V from line to line.)

When step down transformer is activated what happens?

Step down transformer reduces high voltage of main power line and distribute it to desired level of voltage usable by residence or devices.

How do you calculate power for a delta connected three phase autotransformer?

The maximum power output of the transformer is measured in VA or KVA, (volt-amps) or thousand (volt-amps). That will will marked or stamped on the transformer. If you want to measure the amount of power being used by the Xformer, measure the Line side current in amps with an amprobe and multiply by the line voltage to it. The result in watts is the power consumption.

What is the power line voltage between phase and earthing?

It is the same as phase to neutral. As the neutral is earthed at the electricity suppliers transformer.

What is line side amps for 1000kva transformer?

Line side amps for a 1000kVA transformer would depend on the voltage rating of the transformer and the power factor of the load. To calculate line side amps, you would divide the transformer kVA rating by the product of the voltage and the square root of three (for a three-phase system).