35 km is how far it is. (Unless you live in Liberia, Myanmar, or the U.S.A., in which case you'd probably call it about 21.749 miles -- since those are the only countries on earth that don't yet use the metric system.)
21.75264 miles
2.3 km in miles = 1.42915374 miles
0.25 km = 0.1553 miles
35 km is about 21.7 miles.70 km is about 43.5 miles.
5.632704 km
about 35 km56 km = 34.8 miles.
35 km is how far it is. (Unless you live in Liberia, Myanmar, or the U.S.A., in which case you'd probably call it about 21.749 miles -- since those are the only countries on earth that don't yet use the metric system.)
Answer: 35 million miles = 56,327,040 km
Answer: 3.5 km = 2.17479 mi. OR 2 mi. and 307.6 yd I found the answer at this link http://www.metric-conversions.org/length/kilometers-to-miles.htm
21.75264 miles
How far is 1600 km ?
2.3 km in miles = 1.42915374 miles
Answer: 35 km = 21.7479 mi.
805 km is 500.2 miles.