Just divide the distance by the time. That will give you the average speed, in miles per hour.
Depends how fast you are traveling.
There is no direct conversion between hours and miles. The time it takes to travel 60 miles depends on the speed at which you are traveling. If you are traveling at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour, it would take one hour to travel 60 miles.
You are traveling at 20.5 miles per hour.
5.71 mph
We know that the time traveled is 5 hours, since a car going 10 mph faster travels an extra 50 miles over the same amount of time.Dividing 300 miles by 5 hours, we get 60 mph. Since the car is traveling 10 mph, the car is traveling 70 mph.
how fast is the car traveling if it has driven a total of 200 miles in 5.5 hours
It depends on how fast you are traveling
Depends how fast you are traveling.
We need to know how fast you are traveling.
There is no direct conversion between hours and miles. The time it takes to travel 60 miles depends on the speed at which you are traveling. If you are traveling at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour, it would take one hour to travel 60 miles.
This depends entirely on how fast you are traveling.
Depends how fast or slow your are traveling at.
You are traveling at 20.5 miles per hour.
5.71 mph
If you mean how long driving 468 miles takes, it depends on how fast you are traveling at.
We know that the time traveled is 5 hours, since a car going 10 mph faster travels an extra 50 miles over the same amount of time.Dividing 300 miles by 5 hours, we get 60 mph. Since the car is traveling 10 mph, the car is traveling 70 mph.
112.65 kmh