56 mph
At least 25 miles per hour for 10 miles.
27.9 miles per hour
If you went at a speed of a mile a minute, or 60 mph, you would travel 25 miles in 25 minutes. For 10 miles in this time you only have to travel at 2/5 of that speed, or 24 mph.
250 mph
120 mph
120 mph
56 mph
20 mph. At that speed, in one hour you would travel 20 miles. After half an hour of traveling at that speed, you would have gone 10 miles.
At least 25 miles per hour for 10 miles.
90 miles in 20 minutes = 90 miles in (1/3) hours = 270 miles in 1 hour or 270 mph
27.9 miles per hour
If you went at a speed of a mile a minute, or 60 mph, you would travel 25 miles in 25 minutes. For 10 miles in this time you only have to travel at 2/5 of that speed, or 24 mph.
60 miles an hour.
80 miles per hour.